Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Story of the Biscuit

A long time ago in a land far, far away there was a kingdom called Eastern Michigan University. While several of the princes of this kingdom were returning from their dining engagements, one of them, Kirk, held aloft a fresh biscuit procured from the dining commons. Kirk, the drummer and heavy metal enthusiast of the group, then declared, "Alas, I shall give this biscuit to the next person my eyes fall upon." As luck would have it, a mere five steps after uttering this quote, a knight drew near. Kirk extended his hand with the most precious object and asked, "Hey, man you want a biscuit?" to which the knight replied, "Naw, dog. I'm tight."

To deny such a gift was an insult to the group of princes as they snickered at the exchange of words. Which led to a meeting of the princes. It was thus declared that a biscuit is not something that could be handed out to any Tom, Dick, or Sally. The decision to pass on a biscuit must be heavily weighed and analyzed, for some cannot handle the prize, and some are not worthy of trying. From that day forward, a biscuit would be presented to whomever the princes deemed worthy, and thus the tradition of the bestowing of the biscuit was born.

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