Monday, November 13, 2006

The Post to End All Posts

You would think that after waiting for over a month to post something that this meant all the humor, all the theological excellence, and all the witty wittiscisims I could muster would be compiled into one, concentrated, Super Post. Well, I aim to please so, after reading this post, just add water to your computer, and I guarantee you will have a reaction unlike any other.

Post Topics:
- Virginia Sucks
- Say Something Random, DJ
- Virginia Is the Best
- Why You Shouldn't Forward Emails to Me
- Virginia Sucks
- Why Religious Wars are Better than Football Rivalries

I swear, every time I look outside it looks like junk. It gets dark around 4:30 because we are on the East side of the Eastern Standard Timezone. It rains a whole heck of a lot more than they promised me it would. While I concede that Ohio may be bleaker more days of the year, I can only remember a handful of storms in my life that brought down trees. I've seen 3 here already in 3.5 months. Some they call hurricanes, some they call Nor'easters, some they call Friday.

I don’t know if I will ever answer what someone asks to their appeasement or to the satisfaction of God Almighty, but I will always be able to fill the silence following a question with words.

These people feed me. I don't mean invite to the house for a nice meal feed me, I mean professional chef cooking in our kitchen "gonna maka you some-a nice-a meat-a balls" feed me. Every Wednesday we have dinner here at the church, and I have yet to eat something that I have ever eaten in my entire life, except for a Savannah Shrimp Boat. And it's freakin good.

I fear for the people whose lives are in danger when these emails don't get sent. I have a bad(subjective judgment) habit of deleting those emails after I read them. I think so far I have been responsible for killing around 50 people including soldiers in Iraq, some kid with cancer in Vermont, and I think at some point, Jesus. So please, if you have any concern for these people in your hearts, let them live. However, if their lives depend on me forwarding their email, you better read them their last rites.

There are maybe 5 people who give a crap about the UM-OSU game. If we use Dr. Jim Childs' "concentric circles are good for everything" diagram, those five represent the inner core. There are people in that group that include UM grads and people with family that work at OSU, and one guy that wishes we could watch College Football on Easter. The next level are the marginally interested. I think there might be about 20-40 people. There's an even smaller group among this small group that are merely interested because I have told them how important this game is to me. Next is the larger group of people who think that the Big Ten is always overrated. You got your SEC fans, your ACC fans. I'll buy that the SEC is pretty solid this year, but the ACC fans need to wait until Bball gets in swing before I want to hear from them. I don't have an estimate for the number in this group, but it's the majority of sports fans here I think. Last but not least is the largest group, which is the people who just don't care. These are the ones that bug me the most. Why? Because these people don't exist in Toledo. Or if they do, they hide in a hole about this time of year. It's a sad day. I'd even settle for a "F- Michigan" yelled at the church if it meant a little more excitement. Now I'll go get geared up for the third "Game of the Century" this century.

Because religious fanatics kill people because they think it's right. Football fanatics "accidentally" kick the crap out of people. They certainly don't go on a killing tirade and say that they're "cleansing". So it's about intensity. In my attempt to pull together material for Sunday School, I came across these two pictures which I think sum it up quite nicely. I think the guy n the far right might be Mr. Wilson from Dennis the Menace. You gotta love Christianity:

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